AR Mutual Funds - Demo Videos (Mobile App)
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1. Dashboard (View Video)
Dashboard Summary
a)Invested Value
b)Current Value
c)Absolute Return Percentage
Summary of
a)MF Portfolio
c)Investment Basket
d)Order Summary
2. Investment Basket (View Video)
Review of Baskets
a)Aggressive Basket
b)Moderate Basket
c)Conservative Basket
3. Login,logout and Reset Password (View Video)
Demonstration of How to do
c)Reset Password (Forgot Password)
4.New Client Registration (View Video)
Demonstration of Online MF Client Registration
5. Fresh Purchase (View Video)
Demonstrations of New Mutual Fund purchase
Transaction type: Start a New SIP
Transaction Mode: Online
6. Invest More (View Video)
Demonstration of investing more to your existing folio.
Transaction type: Lumpsum investment to your existing folio
Transaction Mode:OTM (One Time Mandate)
7. Switch (View Video)
Demonstration of switching the funds within the same AMC.
Transaction type: Lumpsum Switching Funds within same AMC
Transaction Mode:OTM (One Time Mandate)
8. Redeem (View Video)
Demonstrations of Mutual Funds Redemption.
Transaction type: Lumpsum Redemption of Mutual Funds
Transaction Mode:OTM (One Time Mandate)
9. STP (Systematic Transfer Plan) (View Video)
Demonstrations of STP (Systematic Transfer Plan).
Transaction type: Initiate A New SIP to Transfer Funds within existing MF Schemes
Transaction Mode:OTM (One Time Mandate)
10. SWP (Systematic Withdrawal Plan) (View Video)
Demonstration of SWP (Systematic Withdrawal Plan).
Transaction type: Initiate SWP to withdraw Funds from your existing MF Schemes
Transaction Mode:OTM (One Time Mandate)
11. REPORTS (View Video)
MF Gain/Loss
MF Holdings
MF Transactions