Best Way to Invest Money Online with Anand Rathi Knowledge Centre
  • Investing defined
  • All about Investment
  • Guidelines to right investment
  • Myths about investing
  • Do's and Don'ts

What is meant by investment?

We all save money or at least try to do so. But keeping your money idle is like keeping it asleep. In order to take some advantage over the returns on your regular savings, you need to put it in some activity or venture that will give you more returns than just keeping your money idle. Hence, Investment is an outcome of your efforts to save for your future.

Investment helps you meet your longer term needs and financial goals. There is some level of risk attached to all types of investments and this is what determines the returns on your investments. The higher the risk, the greater the chances of a higher return. To start investing, you can take up investing ventures that carry less risk and give you decent returns.


Why should I Invest if I am already saving?

It's heartening to note that you save. But by just saving, you are neglecting the fact that there are several other factors that affect your savings namely inflation, changes in Interest rates, changes in government and monetary policies etc. They can eat away your savings easily and thus plain saving doesn’t serve the purpose to protect yourself and your future against such uncertainties. That's why you require the professional help.

Why not look out for some venture where your money is safe and is able to earn more than your usual saving at the same time. Investing regularly and over a period of time also helps you to take advantage of the compounding factor.

Have some investment goals

It is of utmost importance that you have some realistic investment goals otherwise just investing blindly into any instrument doesn’t serve the purpose of investing nor does it helps you prepare for a better future. Before you start investing, think over what do you wish to achieve from your investments, why do you want to invest. Unless you are clear on the same, investing just because somebody else is doing it; doesn’t helps you reach anywhere.

Have a pre planned time horizon for investing your money

When you start investing, you should also have a certain timeline in mind which will fetch you the kind of returns you are expecting to generate from the investment. Nothing happens overnight, if you wish to create wealth, achieve your financial goals, then you also need to find a timeline in which you can achieve it. This timeline again varies from person to person depending upon their current financial situation and risk taking capability. Your time horizon for investing could depend on the number of years after which you aim to provide for your daughter's higher education or her marriage etc.

Always keep your liquidity requirements in mind

Nobody else knows about your financial requirements better than yourself. While taking any decision on investments, always keep your liquidity requirements in mind so that you don’t end up tying your money for future only with nothing available for your present. Before you invest, analyze the time period for which your money is tied up and not readily available. Once you have done that, you can decide as to how much money would you like to invest and how much to remain with you as liquid funds.

Investment requires big sum of money

It is a wide spread myth that to start investing, you need big sum of money; if you don’t have big money, you can’t investing. It is completely baseless to say so. With the evolution of economic freedom and wider reach of financial services, the ease of investing has improved tremendously which allows you to invest in small amounts. You can start investing even with a sum of Rs. 1000 a month by investing in Mutual Fund. But remember to keep investing regularly though in small amounts as after a certain time period, it will fetch you the benefits of compounding which will become a good investment portfolio. So, start investing right away instead of wasting time just getting caught up in the rumors.

There is a certain age limit to which I can invest

It is not completely true for all as it has its own limitations. You can keep investing till any age you desire to but it is always advised to start investing at an early age. The earlier you start, the better it is for you to be able to reap the benefits of compounding the earnings on your investment. Before you start investing, consult a professional to help you decide on the same depending on your current financial situation, your future financial goals and your age.

You can start your investments, through us by either calling us, sending an email, registering online with us allowing us to get in touch with you. With a vast experience in Financial Services and the wide range of services that we offer, who else can help you to plan & start your investments better than us.

We will guide you through the process of investing and help you to start your investments based on your individual financial requirements. Get the experts talking to you and address to your queries directly.

Start investing at an early age (added advantage)

If you are young, can save some money; then put it to work better for you than just lying idle in a bank account, earning meager amount of interest. If your start investing in early ages, you will not only have a good portfolio size to enjoy the returns of compounding in later stages of your life but also would have mastered the art and science of investing and achieve your financial goals though it.

Get professional help to plan and start your investment

Along with starting early investments, it is equally important to seek advice from a professional to guide your investments in to a better way and to help you structure your portfolio. You can either consult a financial service provider or broker who provides third party products.

Learn about your present and future financial requirements
It is of utmost importance that before you start your investments, you should be able to understand your present financial situation and your future financial goals that you wish to achieve. Once you are clear with these, you can identify the investment opportunities applicable in your case and then decide on whether you can go ahead with the investment plan.

Find out the list of investment options available and zero down on the ones that suit your requirements.

Once you are certain on starting your investments, look for the investment options available in the market and select some investment plan based on the same and invest in the best of them suitable to you.

Don't rely on unknown or unqualified sources for your investment plan

When your investments are concerned, don't rely on unknown or unqualified sources to make your investment decisions. Don't trust any of your neighbor's or friend's hush rumors about any stock tip, even if you happen to come across any of them, don't lose a chance to verify their authenticity from a trusted professional.

Don't follow what others are doing
Most of the times, we get caught in the wave that others are riding; so don't just follow what others are doing since one opportunity cannot be good for all and you can be the odd one out. Hence, analyze an opportunity before you actually invest your money.

Don't put all your funds in one investment avenue
While making investments, don't put all that you have to invest in one instrument / sector alone as this would make your portfolio prone to sector specific uncertainties that may effects your portfolio valuation. If you distribute the total invest able amount in to various instruments, you would safe guard your portfolio from adverse affects of changes in one sector which would get absorbed by the profits in another sector.