Margin Trading Facility (MTF) in Stock Market | Financing - Anand Rathi

Margin Trading Facility (MTF) in Stock Market

Margin Trading facility:

It is the mechanism of buying stocks by partly putting in your own money(either in cash or securities) and the rest being funded by us.

Features of Margin Trading facility:

Easy online MTF activation: There is no paper formality for MTF activation. Easy online MTF registration through website/back office

Additional exposure on existing investments: Margin trading facility is simple option to leverage your existing portfolio, it allows to invest with a small amount either be it in cash or in collateral form it helps to enhance investors’ purchasing power.

Interest: Interest is charged only for the days the amount is utilized.

Better returns: MTF improves the rate of return on the capital invested.

No prepayment charges: Investor can prepay the amount anytime since this facility is in the nature of an overdraft facility.

Dividend & other corporate action benefits: Investor not only retains the ownership but also continue to avail of the shareholder benefits such as dividends, bonuses, rights, etc.

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MTF Disclaimer:
*MTF subject to the provisions of SEBI Cir. CIR/MRD/DP/54/2017 dt June 13,2017 & terms and conditions mentioned in rights and obligations statement issued by the trading member.


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