Declaration under section 197A(1) and section 197A (1A) to be made by an individual or person (not being a company or firm) claiming certain incomes without deduction of tax.
1. Name of Assessee (Declarant): * 2. PAN of the Assessee: *
3. Status: 4. Previous Year (P.Y.): (for which declaration is being made) 5. Residential Status:
6. Flat/Door/Block No: 7. Name of premises: 8. Road/Street/Lane: 9. Area/Locality:
10. Town/City/District: 11. State: 12. PIN: 13. Email: *
14. Telephone No. (with STD Code) 15 (a) Whether assessed to tax under the Income-tax act 1961:
Mobile No. * 15 (b) If yes, latest assessment year for which assessed:
16. Estimated income for which this declaration Ismade. 17. Estimated total income of the. P.Y. in which Income mentioned in column 16 to be included.
18. Details of Form No. 15G other than this form filed during the previous year, if any :
Total No. of Form 15G filed Aggregate amount of income for which Form No. 15G filed
19. Details of the income for which this declaration is filed.
Sl.No Identification number for relevant Investment/account, etc. Nature of income Section under which tax is deductible. Amount of income

Declaration / Verification

*I/We do here by declare that to the best of *my/our knowledge and believe what is stated above is correct, complete and is truly stated. *I/We declare that the incomes referred to in this form are not includible in the total income of any other person under sections 60 to 64 of the Income-tax act, 1961. *I/We further declare that the tax *on aggregate amount of *income/incomes referred to in column 18 computed in accordance with the provisions of Income-tax, Act 1961. For the previous year ending on relevant to the assessment year , will be nil. *I/We also declare that *my/our *income/incomes referred to in column 16 *and the aggregate amount of *income/incomes referred to in column 18 for the previous year ending on relevant to the assessment year will not exceed the maximum amount which is not chargeable to income tax.

User's Signature